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Addiction Counselor

Addiction counselors are trained mental health specialists who assist people overcoming alcohol and drug addictions, as well as other mental disorders. Many professions are less rewarding than many others when you look at the amount of money that is spent per patient per hour. Many mental health specialists in the medical field have to deal with a very limited pool of patients compared to addiction counselors. A counselor works with patients in their homes or in private settings, providing individual therapy as well as group therapy as part of a larger recovery program. Some of the types of addiction counselors include marriage counselors, substance abuse treatment specialists, sex addiction counselors, alcohol and drug treatment centers, and others. Addiction counselors are in charge of the care and treatment of individuals who suffer from addictions. Addiction counselors assist with a variety of issues including: psychotherapy, relapse prevention, cognitive behavioral therapy, family dynamics, life skills training, family planning and education, relapse prevention, detoxification and many other methods. These professionals provide counseling to those with addictions to different forms of drugs and alcohol. Their work ranges from working with someone who has just stopped using drugs to a patient suffering from multiple addictions. There are a number of different addiction treatment programs available, from residential treatment to inpatient programs to outpatient therapy. A number of these treatment centers offer outpatient treatments, which usually include in-clinic and outpatient therapy sessions and counseling. In addition to their counselor’s qualifications and experience, they must be board certified. This certification is given by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). It is important that a certified addiction counselor undergoes an interview process and is not a licensed psychologist. It is also important that the counselor is licensed by the state where the treatment is being sought. There are a number of states that require a minimum amount of education and experience before a licensed counselor can practice. It is also important that the counselor is an active member of the national organization of addiction counselors. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCAAD) also requires certification.